Iran Program
The Council has been working to empower and amplify the voices of Iranians seeking full realization of their rights and to counter the repressive regime since 2007. DCC draws upon the extensive knowledge, resources, and networks developed by having discretely and impactfully implemented over $28 million in grant-funded programming targeting the Islamic Republic. For example, DCC distributed over three million copies of internet circumvention tools, implementing digital safety trainings, raising public awareness about human and civil rights through creative media, and providing technical training to 2,000+ human rights defenders and citizen journalists. We have conducted extensive public opinion research, tens of information and public education campaigns through proprietary and allied distribution outlets, and helped counter the regime's and its proxies' anti-American disinformation and malign influence operations inside and outside the country. Our efforts included helping to organize and mobilize minority, underserved, and repressed communities.
For the safety of our partners, the details of our activities are kept confidential.